Noke' Childcare
Play is Education
It takes a village- a collaborative approach

Outdoor Play
Risky play is healthy!

Experience > product
Imaginative Play
Dramatic play with props

Plan, do, review
fosters executive functioning

Our Mission
At Noke Childcare our mission consists of providing a warm and nurturing environment where educators are viewed as an extension of the family unit. We are inclusive and celebrate diversity.

Childcare Fee Reduction Initiative
For the Fiscal Year beginning April 2024
0-18 Months
$22.38/ day
The allowable rate for Noke Childcare to participate in the CCFRI is $52.38/ day before the CCFRI is applied. The fee reduction for this age category is $30.
3 years to Kindergarten
The allowable rate for my centre to participate in the CCFRI is $53.70/ day before the CCFRI is applied. The fee reduction for this age category is $25.
18-36 Months
The allowable rate for my centre to participate in the CCFRI is $54.75/ day before the CCFRI is applied. The fee reduction for this age category is $30.
School-Aged Care
After school Kindergarten (2:30-5pm): $10.35 before the $1.50 CCFRI is applied.
Prior to April 2024 after school kindergarten care was offered at the rate of $10 and full day care was not available.
After school care (2:30-5pm) for Grade 1+ is $15 before the CCFRI is applied.
As of April 2024: Full day care for SD20 Pro-D days and breaks may be available, as space allows, at the rate of $55 before the CCFRI is applied (8am-5pm)